Mesca's PSP Play


Herein lies the remains on all the images that I have butchered trying to learn PSP.

I am working with PSP 7

Enjoy while you laugh at my work.

The sands of time rush on

PSP User's Group

A site dedicated to the pursuit of PSP knowledge



RetouchPRO is a resource for anyone, professional or hobbyist, who is interested in photo restoration, retouching, and manipulation.

My submissions:

Restorations          Retouching        Manipulation     PhotoArt

Assorted Tutorials

Animated Signature


Signature Divider


Clay Pot


Oil Painting


Websites I've Created




A Bit About Me



Mary Ellen Carter     

AIM:  mecarter12       ICQ:  20911880     Pirch Mesca2


Created April 8, 2002
Updated June 8, 2002