A Bit About Myself &Family
I had to debate with myself about including this page, but as I'm always curious about the person at whose page I'm looking, I decided others might be also.
After 30 years as a social worker, I am now retired. Previous to becoming a social worker I worked briefly as a high school English teacher and also a 4th and 5th grade math teacher. Since my retirement I have become an avid student ... taking such fun courses as cabinet making, upholstry and sign language at our local community college. I'll sure be thankful when I reach "senior citizen" age and will no longer have to pay tuitition. As for my hobbies - they change frequently. Needless to say I like woodworking, and recovering furniture. Probably my most current hobby (and a lasting one) is working on the computer, particularly doing graphics and photo restorations, retouching, and manipulations. Oh, and let's not forget, playing spades on the net and I've wasted a great deal of time in some of the multi-player fantasy games . My longest lasting hobby has been sewing, which I started doing in grade school on my mother's old treadle Singer. Through the years I've done crocheting, knitting, water & oil painting, gardening, guitar playing, basket making and numerous small crafts. I occasionally still do some - when the mood strikes or the need arises. I've become a creature of moods since my retirement and enjoy being able to do what I want-when I want.
There's been some trials and tribulations since I became a single mom in '85. My daughters have been worth it though. Let me introduce you to them.
She's the sweetheart of the family. She's 20 now. Because she's mentally challenged, having Down's Syndrome, she is in a school/training center all morning. I complain of Crista being stubborn but I think she came by it honestly. She can be a big help around the house (when she wants to be).
the busy one of the family. She's 19 and a student at Gadsden
State Community College with plans for a degree in radiology (at
present). She also works part time in a clothing store. When she's
not working or going to classes she's always out riding around in her new - '97
Honda Accord - car with her friends. We can get into some real "rip-its" at
times because I seem to think she should stay home more and help out a little
more and she doesn't agree.
The Rest of the Family.....
I guess to get a well-rounded picture of us you need to know we're surrounded by cats a Maltese dog. We did have a German Sheppard but she wouldn't stay in the fenced back yard and loved to run with joggers at our nearby campgrounds at Noccalula Falls. The last we heard of her the park ranger said some campers loaded her up saying they were going to bring her home (they apparently meant THEIR home).
Cocoa Mama Cat
Crook Big'un Ringo
PC Abner Cassie
Our Home
OK - Now you know probably more than you wanted to know.