Manipulation Challenge #27

What I Did

Using Paint Shop Pro 7.4

This was really a fun one to do. I started to use an ornament tube I had but decided to work with original photo.

-I first cropped to get area around green ornament, then duped.
-Adjusted brightness and contrast.
-Using Selection tool set on circle I drew circle around ornament, including hanger... inverted selection and deleted extraneous areas.
-Again using Selection tool I selected just the round part of green ornament. Inverted selection then, being careful around hanger, I erased extraneous areas.
- I then adjusted Saturation and Hue to get a blue since I thought the picture would show up better on blue than green
-Using magic wand I selected reflections and hi-lights. Promoted these to new layer
-Using tube of bird I inserted the picture on layer between ornament and hi-light layers.
- Searched through tubes and found wooded globe stand. I adjusted arm so that it extended out past middle and erased notch for ornament to hang on.
- Selected stand and used Sculpture texture in gold to change to gold.
- I then added layer beneath all these and floodfilled with Red... then used Darken RGB to form folds.
- I then added another layer, used preset shapes (rectangle) and drew table. Edited nodes to get perspective and floodfilled with wood grain.
- Added rounded inner bevel.
-Using deformation tool added drop shadow


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Created Dec. 7, 2002