Self Learning Program

May 2002 -Week 1

Painting with the Retouch Tool - Part 1 (The Clouds)

Tutorial found HERE.


Homework:  Since we are doing an ongoing picture this month, we are not going to have a homework as such.  ;o)  You can and in fact I encourage you to practice making clouds , and display your different types.  Storm clouds, fluffy clouds; find pictures of clouds and study them and then try duplicating.


Cloud A - Approaching Storm








  • Opened new image 400 X 400 - Transparent background
  • Chose 2 colors for background (8DB3D7) and foreground (CCCCEE).
  • Style & Texture Settings (same as tutorial)
  • Using Retouch tool... (Settings same as tutorial) followed first instructions on drawing four lines across image
  • Changed Retouch tool to Right slash and followed instruction from tutorial
  • Using Airbrush (Settings: Round, Size-20, Hardness-50, Opacity - 40, Step 25, Density-35) Back ground Color - FDECEC - painted in some clouds.
  • Using Retouch Tool> Darken RGB - Settings: Round, Size-12, Hardness -25, Opacity -50, Step - 25, Density- 50) I went along bottom of clouds.
  • Using Retouch Tool>Smudge (Settings: Round, Size-50, Hardness - 50, Opacity-50, Step - 10, Density - 50), I smudged clouds
  • Going to Color>Brightness/Contrast (Settings Brightness - -35, Contrast - 0) I darkened picture

Does it look like approaching storm? That was my goal.


Cloud B - Sunrise


I decided to try to duplicate some pictures of clouds from the web. The following are my efforts. I would have put in the original pictures but they were copyrighted but may be viewed at  
  • Opened new image 400 X 400 - Transparent background
  • Chose 2 colors for background (365FB7) and foreground (C2BCFF).
  • Chose gradient Style > Foreground/Background, Angle- 180. Repeats - 0
  • Using Airbrush and various colors (taken from a picture on WebShots) brushed in clouds
  • Smudged.
Cloud C - Golden


  • Opened new image 400 X 400 - Transparent background
  • Chose 2 colors for background (DC7109) and foreground (7A290C).
  • Chose Gradien Style> Foreground/Background , Angle - 90, Repeat - 1, Invert Checked
  • Using Airbrush and using color #F6A711 painted in clouds
  • Using Airbrush and darker colors... brushed in top and bottom of picture.
  • Using Retouch>Darken RBG, darkened some areas of the clouds.
  • Using Retouch>Smudge , smudged clouds
Cloud D - Afternoon Rain Cloud

  • Opened new image 400 X 400 - Transparent background
  • Chose 2 colors for background (#BBCCDC) and foreground (#132D52).
  • Chose Gradient Style> Foreground/Background , Angle - 340, Repeat - 0,
  • Using Airbrush and colors #FEFFFF, #'F7EECD, #354948, #7E8072, #CD99A5, #
  • Used Retouch>Darken RGB and then Retouch>Smudge on clouds


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Created 5/6/02
Updated 5/25/02