Self Learning Program

January, 2003 - Week 1

Adding Color Accents
to a Black and White Photo

Tutorial Found HERE


What I Did

Only the bucket and spade was done  with Retouch>Color to Target. The remainder  was done by adding new layers for each color and reducing the opacity of the layer.  It was left in "Normal" layer  blend mode.  For the water I first painted it all green.  Then clicked on a light areas in the background picture to select them, selected similar, and on a new layer painted those areas white and lowered opacity.  Then I followed the same procedure but clicking on a very dark area in the water, selected similar, then painted those areas blue on a new layer and lowered opacity.  I adjusted opacity on different levels until image suited me.  I wanted the boys to stand out more so the opacity on their clothing was higher.

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Created January 12, 2002