Self Learning Program
December, 2002 - Week 1
Cutout Plate
Tutorial found Here
What I Did
Plate 1 (Blue & White)
This was the class work and straight
by tutorial.
Plate 2 (Brown toned)
This was patterned after my stonewear
called "Whole Wheat"
Basically I followed the tutorial but flood filled the original circle with the Brown.
Contracted selection by 5 and floodfilled with beige.
To get speckles. I reduced density way down on air brush and sprayed in selection.
Followed tutorial for cutout,.but contrated the selection by 25 more and changed the setting on cutout a bit to try to make it look deeper.
For flower in center I took a tube of a group of flowers and added to new image,then made a brush out of it and added to center of plate in the brown color.
Continued with tutorial.
Plate 3 (Green Ivy)
Again I patterned it after another set
of my stoneware called "Ivy".
I followed the same procedure as for 2ns plate without adding the speckles. The ivy around edge was done with a tube. After I did one half of plate, I copied layer and mirrored it for other side. Then continued with tutorial.
Table & Runner
Using selection tool on new image (600 X
200), I drew rectangle and flood filled with Stained wood texture foreground.
I used deform tool to put it in perspective. Then used inner bevel to
round edge of table.
For runner I again used selection tool and drew a rectangle. I floodfilled with biegey-gray color Then set foreground texture to fine canvas and floodfilled again. With tube I added Venetian lace along lower edge. Copied that layer and flipped it. Merged all the runner layers and using deformation tool put it in same perspective as table.
Added my plates to table and runner.
Created December 7, 2002