Restoration Challenge #26


How I Did It

· Made duplicate to work from.

· Straightened and cropped.

· Applied Median Filter to try to reduce the cracks.

· Started in cloning on kids. Cloned and cloned some more.

· Used Retouch>Lighten and Retouch>Darken to get the stripes on boy's collar.

· Decided I wasn't too worried about detail on drapes and bench, so I cloned to repair largest crack and tears.

· Then selected drapes with lasso tool and applied Effects>Blur>Average>Filter Aperture set at 19. Did the same for bench.

Couldn't decide whether to leave "as is" or to matte it and decided to do both

Matted Picture

· Copied above picture as new layer to new blank image that was a bit wider.

· Using Clone tool finished out the boy's back, bench and drapes behind him.

· Using Selection tool - Feather set at 20. Selected oval.

· Inverted selection and erased extraneous areas of picture.

· On background level selected color (from boy's throat) for mat and flood filled.

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