Photo Art Challenge #9
What I Did
Using Paint Shop Pro_ Opened new transparent image in size of original
_ Painted with blue gradient, airbrushed and smudged in clouds.
_ Created new image with red background (412 X 216)
_ Created grid lines of horizonal - 72, vertical 33
_ On new layer,using Draw tool set at single solid line, width - 16, color -
white, drew in white lines
_ On new layer, flood filled with blue... set grids at Horizontal - 14, Vertical
- 12
_ On new layer, using custom brush with 5 pointed star, color - white, and using
grid as guide painted in 50 stars in top left corner. Selected that area,
inverted selection and deleted remainder of blue layer.
_ Merged visible layers
_ Increased borders by top - 70, bottom - 200, left - 125, and right - 50
_ Selected flag and promoted to new layer
_ On this selected layer, using guide line and deformation tool, I changed the
shape of flag moving the left side down.
_ Using Effects - Wave, I added waves to flag
_ For shadows I selected flag and added new layer. Using gradient set at 90
degrees in black and white
with repeat set at 6, and opacity at 55% I applied gradient to selection..
_ Merged layers and again using the deformation tool, moved left corner to the
far right.
_ For flag pole on new layer,I used Selection tool, set on rectangle and drew
pole flood filled with gray and applied inner bevel. Then using selection tool
set on circle drew the ball and followed same procedure. Lastly using ellipse
shape repeated procedure for collar.
_ Using Draw tool, I drew in ropes.
_ Copied flag as new layer to sky background, resized layer to desired size.
_ Selected picture of Lady Liberty and removed background from picture. Using
Tubes tool I added flames .and copied this picture as new layer to sky and flag
picture. Resized as desired.
_ Finally, I took picture of planes, eliminated background and added to picture
with sky, fly, and Lady Liberty.
_ Resized plane layer, lightened it, cloned in missing parts of trail and
rotated picture.
- Added Title
_ Merged layers.
Created Sept.25, 2002