Retouch Pro
Photo Art - Challenge #3

What I Did
I'd like to first say that I appreciate this challenge. I had never seen any
of Kincade's work and found that I loved his work almost as much of Ben
Hampton's. I got a bit carried away and spent too much time on it...but I was
having fun and it was my time. After finishing it, I was wishing I lived there.
My first thought was that the "cottage" needed to be moved into
the background a bit to allow for more grassy area in front of cottage... I
didn't think a cottage would be situated quite that close to the water. I had
also noticed that most of his work showed the sky in the background. I made
new image with transparent background of 900 X 1110, then copied picture onto
it as new layer.
Noticing that I'd seen no people on his paintings, I cloned out man.
Using the Freehand selector I drew a rough line across the grassy area in
front of the cottage and around the top portion of the picture. I copied this
portion and pasted as new layer then deleted selection on first layer. I then
repositioned the 2 layers to give me space to add grass or whatever between
cottage & water. Merged these two layers.
On transparent layer I selected the top portion and flood filled with a
gradient of 2 light blues for sky
Going to the picture level I erased some of the background trees to let more
sky show through.
I then did added another layer between picture an sky background and added
the mountains at low opacity . They weren't hazy enough to suit me so I
airbrushed with white on low opacity.
I used blurred trees and used Retouch tool (soften & light RGB to get
trees more to my liking
Using clone tool I cloned in some grass in vacant area. Then got carried
away and started taking artistic (LOL) liberties with picture adding more rock
walls, well, steps and stepping stones
I worked on the roof and couldn't get it to my taking the easy
way out I selected a roof on one of his pictures and copied it onto my
picture, resizing and cloning as needed.
Again taking artistic license I decided to enlarge the cottage at the back
and to add a covered entry.
Chimney with smoke was also added.
For door and windows, using selection tool I drew in squares, rectangles and
circles and flood filled with a dark brown. Then used outer bevel on them. For
door I contracted selection and floodfilled with wood grain. For lights in
windows and door. I contracted selection and flood filled with a gradient of
the yellow and orange looking colors. I then drew in the lines to make panes
and added door knob.
I then added roof to well and added posts to support it and covered entry.
If you've got a've got to have a way to get water out of it, so I
added log with supports, rope, turn handle, and of course we had to have a
After getting actual structures to my liking I used the Retouch>Soften
feature and went over everything with the soften brush.
Now for the fun part. I started doing my gardening (which I should have been
doing in my own yard, but I was having too much fun with this).
- Dragging out my picture tubes and selections from different pictures that
had flowers in them I added all the flowers around the cottage.
- Deciding we needed some flowering trees in the background, I selected the
trunk from the existing tree, copied it as a new layer and resized. The
using clone tool, I added leaves and then with tubes added flowers.
- I then softened the trees and flowers.
It was time to tackle the water and reflections which I had been dreading as
must tutorials I had done had the water darker but I'd noted that his water
generally reflected light.
- I first selected top portion of picture, copied as new layer, and flipped
and adjusted it to fit properly.
- I then darkened it somewhat, added some white streaks as ripples, smudged
and applied motion blur.
- This effect didn't satisfy me as water was still too dark and the wrong
color. I added a new layer and painted the water with a light blue, then
reduced opacity to 35%.
- This was better but still not the effect I wanted. So I then added another
layer and airbrushed in some yellow, peach, beige, and lilac colors in the
center of the lake. Taking the smudge tool on small setting I made multiple
passes across picture to smudge the colors together and with the other
portions of the lake. I then reduced opacity to 55 %
- To try to illuminate the water a bit more I played around with the
lighting effect.
Since I couldn't think of anything else to do with the water I decided to
decorate the yard a bit as I would if this was my home.
- Using various tubes I knew I'd have to have some chairs sitting outside to
enjoy this lovely setting so I added some twig chairs to the front and
adirondack chairs on the upper level.
- Then I decided since I like rabbits I'd add a couple of rabbit statues to
the stone wall.
- I decided this was a setting that called for wildlife so I had to add a
deer up near the back woods.... and let's not forget a nice cat on the steps
waiting to greet me.
- A pond or lake this peaceful needed a few ducks and a swan so I added
those. Then decided the ducks would like some cat tails and so I gave them
After leaving the picture and coming back later I decided it was too bright.
(I didn't think the windows would show light unless is was almost dusk and
lights needed inside) I also looked back at some of the paintings and saw that a
lot of his skies had a yellowish, pinkish look so I changed the sky and then
darkened the main picture.

to Photo Art Page
Created June 28, 2002