Photo Art Challenge #10

What I Did
Using PaintShopPro 7
Seeing the carved tree spirits on St. Simons Island inspired this- although they
were much prettier.
- Duped picture of skull.
- Then I took a close-up picture of a tree with a knothole and erased area
in the knothole.
- Resized, rotated and positioned the skull in knothole
- Then adjusted hue, saturation, brightness, and levels on both layers to
get to desired effect
- On new layer with flame tube, I added flames in eyes - carefully erasing
unwanted areas
- Then using Preset Shapes, teardrop as vector layer I did blood. Edited
nodes to get shapes I wanted, converted to raster layer, applied inner bevel,
and adjusted brightness for each drop.
- To skull layer I applied texture.
- Resized picture to 800 width and exported as JPEG.
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Created Oct.13, 2002