Photo Workshop Submission

Week #7 - April 6, 2002


Original Pictures


My composition


What I Did

Using PSP7

For kicks, I decided to incorporate a part of each picture into one picture. 

On Clock Picture
· Duped Picture
· Erased area around clock and part below water
· Cloned in missing areas of Clock
· For 6 - Selected the 9, copied as new layer, flipped and mirrored. Erased the (now) top part and positioned the circle part to finish out the six. Using clone corrected the shadows or edges
· Merged... copied to new transparent layer...... Cropped.

PSPUG picture
· With Magic Wand selected letters, inverted selection and erased background
· Made new Transparent image.
· Copied selection of letters and pasted as new layer onto transparent image.
· Merged......... Cropped
· Made new layer behind original as background and painted with "Old Paper" texture.
· Framed.

Glasses picture
· Duped picture twice
For Vase
· Selected vase and copied as new layer to a new image with transparent background
· Using clone tool filled in the rest of vase
For Glasses
· Erased around edges of glasses
· I couldn't think of any way to remove Loaded image to Alpha Channel
· Opened new transparent image and loaded image from Alpha channel
· Using Airbrush painted in shading on glasses. 
Note: To tell what I was doing I temporarily painted transparent image a green color. Then erased it when I 
finished shading glasses.

Dried wheat
· With Paint Brush I colored in everything but the wheat black.

Composing Picture

· I began with new image with black background
· Painted table using "Finished Pine" texture -adjusted angle of wood as needed. Using selection (rectangle), I selected edge of table, smudged and darkened it with retouch tool. Applied drop shadow to edge.
· Copied vase as new layer, resized and placed on table. Using Colors>Adjust>Hue/Saturation/Brighten I changed color to reddish color.
· Took wheat , copied as new layer (put it behind vase layer), then resized and rotated and placed in vase. Erased unnecessary parts.
· Took clock, copied as new layer, resized and positioned on table. Painted in stand to hold clock up.
· Taking glasses, copied as new layer, resized and positioned on table.
· Place PSPUG picture on wall.

It was hard to judge time as I didn't do it all at once, but I'd estimate 3-4 hours total on it.

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