Photo Workshop Submission


Weekly Workshop - Week 5 - Mar. 30, 2002

Original photos


My Composition:


How I did it:


This is my first submission and I'm not real sure what the goal is.  However, when I downloaded the sky picture two of the white streaks resembled horses legs...and since there was a horse picture, I went from there.

Using PSP7 

·        On sky picture used Colors>Colorize> Hue- 153, Sat-50 to get a prettier (?) color.

·        On horse picture, did duplicate on transparent background, then selected horse and erased background and with clone tool and eraser completed ears.

·        I made new layer and with transparency on about 30%.  I painted over horse selection using one of the lighter colors from the sky picture.

·        Merged picture and rotated 45 degrees

·        Erased areas of lower area of horse with eraser set on 20%.

·        Resized horse picture to approx 25%

·        Using Clone tool, removed the jet stream going up center of picture.

·        Copied horse  picture onto sky picture and placed it.

·        Using air brush on 12 opacity and colors from the sky I airbrushed in areas around horse to make it blend with sky better.

Total time:  Approx. 20 min. on picutre and another 20 writing this.....LOL.

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