Manipulation Challenge #17

What I Did

Using PSP7

· Duped both photos to work with
· On newer photo selected boat and reflection, copied as new layer to old boat picture.
· Resized this layer to appropriate size and added mast lines.
· Hid this layer then to work on old photo.


· Made new layer in blend mode OVERLAY (75% opacity) and colored water blue
· Made new layer in blend mode OVERLAY (60% opacity) and colored parts of water green
· Made new layer in blend mode OVERLAY (50% opacity) and colored parts of water under new boat black
· Merged these 3 layers ... named it WATER (how original...LOL)

· Selected sky · Made new layer and using 2 shades of blue and gradient painted in sky
· Made new layer and with tubes placed some clouds
· Using Retouch-Smudge blurred clouds and reduced opacity of layer to 50%
· Merged these 2 layers into one called SKY.

Remainder of Picture

On separate layers... blend mode sat at overlay.... I painted in colors. I used several different layers in order to be able to use eraser if I got out of line. Merging layers as I got each item to suit me. Didn't have the foggiest idea of colors to use and went with colorful with was probably unrealistic... but wth.... it's my fantasy. LOL.

· Merged all layers
· Created new layer and did mist with Airgun at low opacity and low density, using eraser in some areas.
· Added Text

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