Community Activities

Buy a Musical Instrument Week

This was actually a picture I did as a Manipulation Challenge for RetouchPro.  It fit in so nicely with the theme I thought I'd share it with this group.

The challenge was to take these 2 pictures and combine them into something:


What I Did

I didn't have a clear idea where I was going with this so I began by selecting the peanut and copied to transparent background. Did the same with horn.  The horn brought to mind music so I decided peanut had to be a musician. But musicians like company so I decided to make a band. Searched the web for pictures of other instruments and a background. With that done I went to work on band.

Bugle Player

I decided I wanted him to face forward.

Saved this to use later.

Female Guitar Player

Being female, I wasn't going to let the males have all the fun, so I decided we had to have at least one female band member.

Saved her to use later.

Sax Player

Saved for later use.


Overall picture

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Created 5/23/02
Updated 5/15/02