PSPUG Community Activity

Cinco de Mayo


What I Did

To start I did Susannah Helms Tutorial on Mexican Flamenco Dancers.
I was never able to get images to show up in my Preset Shapes selection, so I did not do work as vectors.

I basically selected each layer of dress with magic wand and colored in with paint brush.  Then from a tube added lace to each layer.  For SCARF, I opened a new small image and randomly added spotches of colors that were in skirt.  I then used the Effects>Geometric>Spiky Halo & Twirl effects on it.  Then using that as my pattern used it to flood fill scarf.  Then on a new layer with paint brush on very small size painted in facial features, hair, earrings, castenets and shoes. I decided she needed more jewelry so from a tube (which was actually a glove base) gave her a necklace and added chain.  I also used tube for heart on bracelet.     NOTE:  You can tell I don't draw well with the touchpad.

There was actually very little to do on him.  I painted his tie red, added sash to cummerbund, and  red band to hat.  Then decided to add gold stripe down side of pants.  I then again painted in facial features.

Figuring now they needed a background, I decided what better than a hacienda, so I proceeded with Sue's  Mexican Hacienda tutorial.  I just followed instructions on tutorial adding vase (was actually a lamp with shade erased) and vines and flowers from tubes.

Well, now the problem arose.... the hacienda had to sit somewhere so I had to do background.  For this I opened a new transparent large image.  Using selection tool I selected top half of image and  loosely following  SLP tutorial on making cloud with Retouch tool and made the sky and clouds. Inverted selection and painted in sand.  Decided there should be some mountains in the and  used again loosely following SLP tutorial on making mountains and trees using retouch tool , I made the mountains.  I then added Hacienda and Dancers as new layers.  Resized them appropriately.  Figuring dancers wouldn't be dancing on sand I used selection tool for area and flood filled with gray for paved area.  Then drew in lines and using perspective effect changed the perspective.  Shaded lines with Retouch tool>Darken RGB and then softened.  Then decided there needed to be grass around hacienda  so using grass pattern  painted in grass.  This looked a bit lush so with airbrush set on low density and opacity added some sand to the grass area.  Flowers were needed beside the paved area to suit my landscaping desires, so I added those in with tube.  Finally, I decided that no Mexican scene would be complete without cactus so I with paint brush I added it and then shaded with Retouch>Darken RBG.

Figured I was having so much fun, I'd to Sue's Donkey/Mule tutorial.  Followed instructions on that and then for fun added flowers to hat and as a necklace.  Placed him in the picture.  (Mules ARE always "him" aren't they?)

I'm not sure how long this all took.... I didn't do it all in one sitting ... but I'd estimate about 3-4 hours with the 3 tutorials and the background.

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